KVMJ Information 2025
U8 Boys & Girls
We now have a division to let the younger players see just how much fun youth lacrosse jamborees can be for a fraction of the cost!! Teams in both the boys and girls divisions will play 3 round robin games.
- Boys - 6 v 6 (No Goalie)
- Girls - 6 v 6 (No Goalie)
Teams in both the boys and girls divisions will play 3 round robin games. Teams will be divided into two skill divisions, Advanced (A) or Beginner (B).
- Boys - 7 v 7 (Includes Goalie)
- Girls - 8 v 8 (Includes Goalie)
Teams will be placed in skill level-based divisions with a minimum of 3 pool games. The top teams in each pool will play for a KVMJ Division Championship Medal. All games will be 25 minutes and have 2 officials. For more information, please see our information and rules document.
Teams will be placed in skill level-based divisions with a minimum of 3 pool games. The top teams in each pool will play for a KVMJ Division Championship Medal. All games will be 25 minutes and have 2 officials. For more information, please see our information and rules document.
As much as we love animals, PETS ARE NOT ALLOWED on the school grounds. Please understand that this is a rule we must enforce for our insurance purposes and against school policy. Please be sure to share these rules with coaches, players, and parents because every year we unfortunately upset parents who have driven a long way and now must keep their pet in the car for the day.
There is NO TAILGATING allowed in the parking lots and absolutely no grills, (charcoal, electric, propane) allowed on the premises. There will be tent areas for your team to set up and have snacks, drinks, etc. We will also have food vendors available to provide certain items throughout the day.
Some games may be played on the high school turf field. The following rules must be strictly adhered to:
1. Only coaches and players are allowed on the turf. Spectators must stick to the stands.
2. Only water is allowed on the turf - NO food, Gatorade, or any beverage other than water.
3. No seeds, nuts, gum, metal, or glass containers.
4. No Metal Cleats
We are using Tourney Machine to provide an electronic version of our scheduling. Please check this often as it will be up to date with scores and any last-minute field changes.
• 14U and 12U teams will play in pools within their division. Each team will play a minimum of 3 games. There may be a 4th Championship game for teams that qualify. All game scores and pool rankings will be updated in Tourney Machine. All division winners will win Championship Medals.
• 8U and 10U teams will play 3 games with no standings or score keeping. We want to remind everyone that these 2 levels are mostly made up of developing players and we want to encourage a fun environment for all participants.
• All games will start promptly at the scheduled times.
• Each game will start with a single LONG HORN BLAST.
• Each game will end with two HORN BLASTS.
• The games will be 25-minute running time, with NO half time or time outs
• In the case of extreme heat, we will make sure there is a mandatory quick water break after 12-minute mark, referee discretion.
• There will be 5 minutes between each game to allow for teams to get on and off the fields
All of our jamboree games are played following US LACROSSE rules appropriate by each age level.
- U14 and U12 BOYS will play on a regulation field, 10 vs 10.
- U10 BOYS will play on a small modified field, 7 vs 7 (2,2,2) plus goalie. (7 Total Players)
- U8 BOYS will play on a small modified field, 6 vs 6 (2,2,2) no goalie.
- U14 and U12 GIRLS will play on a regulation field with modified checking, 12 vs 12.
- U10 GIRLS will play on a small modified field with no checking, 8 vs 8 including a goalie.
- U8 GIRLS will play on a small modified field with no checking, 6 vs 6, no goalie.
While we hope you find the competition challenging, first and foremost, we want this event to be fun for all of your players and parents. Please do not run up scores if the game is one-sided. Encourage teamwork and sportsmanship in these situations. Ties will be broken in order of: Head-to-Head, Goal Differential (Max +/- 5 Goals), Goals Allowed, and lastly a Coin Flip
We expect players, coaches, and spectators to cheer for their team, but we also except all guests to respect others and promote good sportsmanship. Do not referee from the sidelines. Let the coaches do their job and the officials do theirs. Any unruly behavior will not be accepted and could lead to your removal from the jamboree. Any instances of this will be brought to the site coordinator who will enforce this policy. Officials also have the right to remove spectators from the field. If they feel a spectator’s actions are disrupting the game, they will ask you to leave the field. Failure to do so will result in the person(s) being removed from the jamboree. Any players / coaches who behave in any unsportsmanlike manner will be given a warning. If the action happens again, they will be removed. Fighting is not tolerated, period. If a fight breaks out on a field, players will be removed from the game and the site coordinator will determine if they will be allowed to participate in the rest of the games or removed from the facility.
Remember we play rain or shine. In the event of lightning, we will suspend play with 5 horn blasts, and ask that everyone takes shelter or return to their cars. Games will resume 30 minutes after the last lightning is observed. Play will resume on schedule, so delayed games will be removed from schedule as not to fall behind. Once the final tournament schedule is posted, there will be no refunds unless the tournament cannot be played due to full weather cancellation for the weekend or a pandemic like we faced in 2020. Again, we play in the rain as long as field conditions remain safe and we also provide a rain date on Sunday, May 18th if Saturday is a washout. Please be prepared to adjust your schedule to Sunday as there are NO REFUNDS if the event is held.
SHS - Parking is available in the front parking lot of Southington High School. Please adhere to the NO PARKING restrictions as they are strictly enforced. Please avoid parking on streets and in neighborhoods. At SHS, you can park on Pleasant Street, but only on the fence line next to the school fields. Cars cannot park on the residential side. There will also be a special area designated next to the VO AG building on the map for Handicap parking. This entrance is next to the tennis courts accessible from Pleasant Street. The drop off area is located at the same entrance, but you cannot park here unless you have a Handicapped placard. Please view maps for reference.
During the event, we will have a trained First-Aid professional on-site located on the map as “First Aid”, the tent is located at the North end of the turf field.
We also are allowing tents and tables in the team areas shown on the maps. Again, there are no grills or cooking on premises as well as pets on the SHS property. Your compliance with these rules is imperative! For your convenience, we will have golf carts available to help bring people and items to and from the main parking lot to team tent areas.
Spectators are always allowed and welcome at our jamboree. Everyone must enter through the main gate and not through Vendor gate by softball fields. We know this may be an inconvenience for some who park up that way, but we have strict guidelines from our local police department, and this is a mandatory requirement for us to hold the event. Spectators are not allowed on the field of play at any time for any reason. Again, be respectful, cheer positively, and let the coaches and officials do their job.